A unique project about experiences all over the Culture Capitals of Europe.
The tour we did with Marghe & Nick from The Crowded Planet took us across serveral iconic cities in the summer of 2020 (during Covid pandemic, yes! Not easy..). Places which have been in the past, present proudly realted with local culture in different countries in Europe, like Burgos in Spain, Matera in Italy and Rijeka in Croatia, Kosice in Slovakia and we also collaborated with a filmmaker and blogger in Germany who visited Gelsenkirchen.

The goal of this UE project called “TraCEs – Cultour Is Capital” was to promote a different way of approach travelling through inner and deeper experience and knowledge.

In this post you can take a look at the videos I directed and edited, and that are all showcasing these experiences in the main platform built for the project… “Game of Traces”.



by Nick Burns…

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